Picture of Howard Wight's Think BIGGER Seminar DVD

Howard Wight's Think BIGGER Seminar DVD

Would you like to think bigger…propose more…and close more?
Would you like to learn more in ninety minutes than many agents learn in a lifetime? Let Howard Wight show you how!


Put Howard Wight on your payroll.
His ideas could be worth millions to you and your clients and their families.

Marv Feldman

There are only three ways to increase sales:
1) Develop more clients
2) Make more sales to each client
3) Make bigger sales to each client

Howard Wight has spoken at the Million Dollar Round Table annual meeting six times. His ideas have helped thousands sell millions.

Who should own this DVD? Every company, manager, trainer, agent, and advisor who seriously wants to sell more, more easily should have this presentation in their library. Recruiters should give this material to prospective agents to learn why there has never been a better time to be in the life insurance business. The ideas contained in this material could be used in sales-builder meetings virtually forever.

Howard will show you how to:
  Develop the unstoppable mindset
  Get more and better referrals
  Transition quickly into fact-finding discovery process
  Help clients understand the premium is not the problem
  Ask questions to help the client answer his own objections
 Make it easier for clients to buy using comparison selling
 Help your clients buy more cash value life insurance
 Make what you do a mission...not just a job or a career